Belladonna fucking girls 6
She is a hardcore definite keeper. Vicky would call to check in every night and Logan and I would sit and wait on her call, when she did I would talk to her a little then Logan would get on the phone and talk to her mom and ask her what she was doing and how long was she gonna be gone, and then I would get back on the phone with her and we would talk about sex and what she was wearing and normally it would turn into phone sex with Vicky getting off while I talked to her, when we first did this I would always wait until Logan was of the room and try to keep my voice down some, but since Logan was just as horny as her mom was I just sat right there watching Logan rub her pussy and ass while I talked her mom through yet another orgasm. I felt dizzy, out of breath. I won’t push you. A slow smile crept onto her lips as Kimon’s eyes suddenly snapped open.
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Video Type: video/mp4
Length: 07:20
Connected with words: hardcore